Psalm 23: The Troubles We Face

April 14, 2024
Join us for Week 2 of our Psalm 23 series with Pastor Jason Mountjoy as we explore the profound truths found in verse 4. In this impactful sermon, we delve into the realities of suffering, fear, and anxiety that we encounter on our journey. With deep insight and biblical wisdom, Pastor Jason unpacks the ways in which our Shepherd leads us through the darkest valleys of life. Discover the transformative power of God's presence amidst our trials and tribulations, as we find courage and strength to navigate through the storms. Explore the significance of the Shepherd's rod and staff as symbols of comfort and protection in times of trouble. Through a reflection on God's discipline, gain valuable insights into how we should respond to the challenges that come our way. We pray this message encourages you as we apprentice to become more like Jesus. –––––––––––––– We’d love to hear from you!

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