Siami and Sawitri

Siami and Sawitri
Siami is a missionary and Bible College graduate who travelled to Thailand from her native India in the mid-1980s and began working with the Karen tribal group near the Myanmar border. From the small beginning of offering shelter, education and Christian discipleship to a handful of at-risk girls, Siami now runs the Hilltribes Resources and Development Centre (HRDC), which supports around 500 students (kindergarten to tertiary) through sponsorship. Many have now reached adulthood and have trained in nursing, pharmacy, teaching, accounting, agriculture and trades.
Sawitri was one of Siami’s original group of young women. Education for Sawitri, including the learning of English, has changed the course of her life. She is now married with two children, is a key leader in HRDC, and an English translator. In addition, Sawitri and her husband run a church in the village of Maedet where many of the Newlife sponsored children come from.
In November 2004, two families from Newlife Church travelled to northern Thailand, at the invitation of Australian friends who were working with Siami. Since then, many people from Newlife have visited and we now have over 70 children sponsored.